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What's Happening?

Lemon Three is having a smoothie competition where interested individual can sign up. Participants can create their own version of lemon smoothie and winners of the competition stands to win a free trip to Parblo Island. Come on down to particpate!!!

What's Coming Up?

Lemon Three is going to have a country wide event where lucky winners of the event would stand to win a carton of honey lemon water from Lemon Three. Do stay tune to our website for further details.

What?! Lemonade Smoothie??

Something's brewing in the kitchen of Lemon Three.. an all new homemade recipe! Lemonade Smoothie. The perfect blend of Lemonade and Smoothie, sure to bring satisfaction. It is going to be a healthy drink with all the lemon benefits as well as other fruits and milk! Stay updated for this exciting new beverage! The best is yet to come.. smooth like a lemon tree.